Shadow Over Kiriath

Legends of the Guardian-King

After months of conflict and opposition, Abramm Kalladorne has finally stepped into his destiny as king of Kiriath­­­—only to find himself facing more problems than ever. The Mataio remains antagonistic, the failed rebellion’s supporters have slipped through his grasp, bad luck plagues every attempt to build Kiriath’s defenses . . . and that's just the start.

As the forces of the Black Moon threaten his shores, Abramm agrees to a desperately needed alliance by marriage with neighboring Chesedh. But with the hour for his union approaching, his enemies create leverage which can be used to destroy what he’s trying to accomplish. And Eidon just might let them succeed.

Treachery and faithfulness, guilt and forgiveness, test Abramm’s faith to the limit and challenge everything he thinks he knows about himself and the one who owns his soul. Will Eidon give him ultimate victory, or will ever-encroaching enemies succeed in destroying the realm?

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